Shri Sai Baba Mandir Sansthan
Activities Performed by Shri Sai Baba Mandir Sansthan
Our centre responded to the needs of our community by doing several things. First, we did a survey in Several villages. We also visited the grampanchayath, individual contacts, home visits, and other related offices and talked to people individually. We even went to people’s homes to talk to them. We held both formal and informal meetings. Our staff explained our programs and encouraged women to join self-help groups. We also encouraged them to send their kids to balwadi and extra classes if needed. We told women how important education is and encouraged them to attend education classes in their villages if anyone of them is Illiterate.
Conducting Survey
We have conducted survey in all the villages before we began our activities. Through survey we came to know the situation of the villages as well as the condition at the people and the different facilities that are available in the villages.
Literacy Programme
To develop human intellect, the most basic requirement is literacy. Therefore we made compulsory for all the SHG (Self-help Group) women at least to learn to put their signature. Therefore all of them learned to put their signature.
In Some of the villages we had done the survey of drop out students and made sure that these students in their villages go to Indus school in order to continue their education.
People’s Organization and Economic Development
In order to generate saving, to grant credit to individual women and for effective recovery we formed as many as 30 groups. These Groups are owned and managed By themselves.
we assist them to document the minutes of meetings and reports as well as facilitate them in securing loans from bank and motivate them for timely repayment of loan to banks.
Community Health Programme
As a part of the community health programme our members makes regular visits to the Villages and give talk on diarrhoea, women and child health care, Aids awareness, malaria, T. B. & seasonal diseases to villages.
Free Blood Donation Camp & Check Up
We conducted free blood check up & donation campaign in 8 villages in order to help the people to know their own blood group and also for blood donation. At time of emergency often people find difficult to get the blood since they do not know their blood group. Therefore it was a great help for them. We also conducted free blood donation camp in order to make the people aware of importance of Human life.
Health Check–Up
Every Sunday we arrange medical camps in different villages and distribute free medicine to the patients and deserving cases are followed-up. Serious and chronic diseases were referred to government hospitals for further treatment. In Every camp Minimum of 150 to 250 patients takes benefits of it.
Management of Childhood illness
In order to promote better health to women & children during our visit to different villages we also monitor health of women & children. In this way we are able to help and guide the mothers and families to avoid selective pregnancy and retain safe motherhood also the reproductive health of the women is maintained.
Immunization Programme
In all the villages we make sure that all the children are given vaccination on proper time. They also ensure that immunization is provided to pregnant and lactating mothers. Health awareness meetings of women and adolescent girls are organized once in a month.
Adolescents Girls Programme
Adolescent period itself is a period of crisis. Majority of the girls by the age of 12-14 become dropouts from the school and married and sent. The adolescent boys also face many problems. Therefore Juvenile delinquency is at increase in the rural areas. As a result of these, crimes are increasing among adolescents. we arrange different kinds of training programmes for them like sex education, personality development, social issues like child marriage, domestic violence etc.
Formation of Children’s Group
Looking at the development of women in their own families’ men also approached as to make their own group. Therefore in two of the villages we have formed men’s group.
Awareness Generation Programme
Success of programme depends very much on the awareness. We organized Awareness camps in different villages, Resource person, who are expert in the topics delivered their talks to makes the participants Know the ill effects of evil like drug addiction, alcoholism, female feticide, child marriage etc. in the society.
Celebration of National and Local Festivals
We celebrate certain important days like Women’s day, Children’s day, World AIDS day, Environmental day and Haldikukum day etc. in order to make the Young Generation Aware of old Cultures and Tradition.
Tree Plantation & Green Awareness
“The key to a greener planet is in your hand.” This unique, as well as critical ecosystem, is being over-exploited. Increasing population leads to negligible availability of land per family. Individual efforts towards this mission may seem like drops in the ocean, but the impacts from the positive changes and participation by millions of people will make significant contributions towards a more climate-friendly Mother Earth.